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Milgard Moving Glass Wall Systems

Integrity Windows proudly features the Milgard collection of Moving Glass systems. Experience the ultimate in modern design with Milgard’s Bi-Fold, Moving Glass Pocket Doors, and Stacking Glass Doors. Crafted with precision engineering and exceptional quality, our doors are designed to elevate your space, seamlessly blending the boundaries between your home and the great outdoors in the San Jose area and throughout Santa Clara County.

Remodeling a home’s entry points is not a uniform task; each home presents unique challenges. That’s why Milgard Windows offers a diverse range of door types, striving to craft custom solutions whenever possible. With Milgard’s moving glass wall systems, homeowners gain access to a plethora of top-of-the-line, innovative door options suitable for any home redesign or new construction project. Residents in San Jose and Santa Clara County have the freedom to select the style that best aligns with their functional needs and aesthetic preference.

Explore our collection today and unlock the endless possibilities of modern living.

Types of Milgard Moving Glass Wall Systems:

Bi-Fold Doors

Milgard’s Windows bi-fold doors present a distinct and stylish aesthetic combined with effortless functionality. Unlike traditional sliding doors, these accordion-style doors fold up elegantly, revealing a generous opening. Each panel is securely connected through robust hinges, enabling smooth folding as the doors glide aside. While offering captivating outdoor views through their glass panels, Milgard’s bi-fold doors boast numerous advantages beyond aesthetics; they are designed for durability and safety. Constructed with resilient aluminum frames, these folding doors resist typical wear and tear. The glass panels feature a structural interlock system, prioritizing security against external threats. Additionally, a water barrier sill ensures protection from inclement weather, maintaining optimal comfort and tranquility indoors. With these features, Milgard’s bi-fold doors are an exceptional addition to any home in the Bay Area.

Stacking Glass Doors

Milgard’s Window’s glass stacking doors evoke the classic image of traditional sliding glass doors, featuring large panels that slide atop one another seamlessly. Like Milgard’s bi-fold doors, these stacking glass walls are equipped with a structural interlock system, enhancing both security and energy efficiency. With multiple exterior frame color choices available, these doors provide a versatile aesthetic. Whether enjoying a gentle breeze or basking in ample illumination, the opening and overlapping glass panels ensure a harmonious blend of indoor and outdoor living.

Pocket Doors

Glass Pocket Doors are a distinctive feature within Milgard’s Moving Glass Wall Systems. As sliding glass wall system, they are crafted to maximize floor space efficiency. Combining the grace of a sliding door with the innovation of Milgard’s technology, Glass Pocket Doors offer a compact solution. When fully opened, they seamlessly vanish into a pocket within the wall, creating a seamless transition conducive to open houses, gatherings, furniture rearrangement, or simply embracing fresh air on a sunny day. A notable benefit of Milgard’s Glass Pocket Doors is their ability to expand interior space outward, eliminating the barrier of a traditional swinging door and effortlessly extending the room’s functionality outdoors.

Why Choose Milgard?

Milgard’s moving glass wall systems offer not just aesthetic enhancement but also a modernizing touch to your home. By integrating the latest technology into your doors, you not only enhance the beauty but also increase the value of your property. These systems are not merely a stylish addition but a wise investment for any homeowner in San Jose and Santa Clara County looking for a new Patio door or to open up any space.

Furthermore, Milgard Window provides peace of mind through their limited-time warranty, covering materials and installation. Any repairs needed within the specified period will be supplied at no additional cost. This assurance underscores the reliability of choosing Milgard’s Moving Wall Systems from Integrity Windows and Doors in San Jose, a certified Milgard Dealer.

Previously seen as a luxury reserved for the affluent, moving glass wall systems are now more accessible than ever. If you’re considering a significant upgrade for your home, contact Integrity Windows and Doors in San Jose for a complimentary consultation and estimate.